Teamviewer Portable 6.0.10511 官方免安裝中文版
Teamviewer Portable是簡單又能穿越防火牆的遠端遙控軟體
然後,「B」也開啟這個軟體,在「Create Session」下方的欄位輸入「87654321」
再按下「Connect to partner」按鈕,跳出密碼輸入對話框,「B」輸入「5678」,很神奇的!
經測試確實可以穿透防火牆,此軟體支援Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista。

Remote Control of PCs over the Internet
Instantly take control over a computer anywhere on the Internet, even through firewalls.
No installation required, just use it fast and secure.
# Screen Sharing
TeamViewer can also be used to present your desktop to a partner on the Internet. Show and share your software, PowerPoint presentations etc.
# File Transfer, Chat and more
Share your files, switch the direction during a teamwork session, and a lot more is included in TeamViewer
# Simple to use, fast and secure
TeamViewer is one of the best known solutions on the market - and at the same time offers best value for your money. Non-commercial use is even completely free!
Teamviewer Portable 6.0.10511 官方免安裝中文版下載網址: